1. If the product is white or clear, it is NOT natural.
We all know that plants and herbs are not white so a truly natural skin care product cannot be white. Products becomes white or clear by using chemically processed and bleached ingredients. These decolorized, highly refined products even when they claims to be natural or organic, truly are not.
2. If the product is not safe to eat, it is NOT safe to put on your skin either.
Skin is your largest organ. According to a university of Pittsburg study, over 60% of what you put on your skin ends up in your blood stream within minutes, even faster than eating it. Pharmaceutical companies know this, they are increasingly using dermal patches for transdermal delivery of drugs. So always, use products with beneficial bioactive botanical ingredients instead of petrochemicals, synthetic compounds and chemicals whose names you can hardly pronounce.
3. If the first ingredients on label is water, you are wasting your money.
In every product, the first ingredient on the label is of the highest amount. Majority of skin care products contain water (from 60-90%) as a filler. By buying such products, you are not getting your money’s worth. Additionally, water based product need harsh preservatives because they are prone to microbial growth.
4. If a Product contains perfume or fragrance, you are putting hundreds of chemicals on your skin.
An average perfume or fragrance is made up of over 200 different chemicals and can pose significant threats to your health. Some of the most common chemicals in perfumes or synthetic fragrance are ethanol, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, a-pinene, acetone, benzyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, linalool, a-terpinene, methylene chloride, styrene oxide, dimenthyl sulphate, a-terpineol, camphor, and limonene. Some of these chemicals cause irritability, mental vagueness, muscle pain, asthma, bloating, joint aches, sinus pain, fatigue, sore throat, eye irritation, gastrointestinal problems, laryngitis, headaches, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, spikes in blood pressure, coughing, and burning or itching skin irritations. Safe choice is use products with therapeutic essential oils or go fragrance free.